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1000 letters.

Though I wander from this site now and then, it is where I think about you the best. I've dreamed about you so much in the last day that I can't escape. Though I tell myself to move on and start dating, I know it won't work. My soul belongs to you. I cannot untie the knot.


did it even mean anything to you? because it meant everything to me.

Do you feel that?

Yep. You're totally in love with him.

i am weird i love to listen to music right after sex. Any type. Any idea why?


You will always be my only exception.

It hurt more when you said you were done talking to me than it did when I broke up with my boyfriend.

Honey, I'm the sun shining through the rain and if you can't see that then I'll be on my way

I'm not sure what to write. I haven't written here for the past few days, but life's been busy and good since my school has started again. However, I've been waiting for that one good news.

{ S }

People from my past don't see the good in me. The real me. They see me as a crime against femininity, a slut, crazy, someone they can constantly use as a punching bag for all their hatered. They see me as they want to see me not the way actually am. You know what fuck them. I know who I am and these people opinion and hate mean nothing to me anymore. I'm finally strong enough to not care and not leave it effect me.

People from my past don't see the good in me. The real me. They see me as a crime against femininity, a slut, crazy, someone they can constantly use as a �Puncmy bag ? no bag for all their hatered. They see me as they want to see me not the way actually am. You know what fuck them. I know who I am and these people opinion and hate mean nothing to me anymore. I'm finally strong enough to not care and not leave it effect me.