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1000 letters.

Get you a boyfriend who will drive 40 minutes out of his way to visit your germ-invested dorm to bring you tea and honey

How long until the edit button expires from your letters?

I also want to delete ALL my letters but can't because the option to do that is not there anymore.

I've never been happier in my life. All I have ever wanted was friends, friends who make me laugh and make me happy and who are there for me. And lately I've made so many great friendships, and I'm thankful for that. I wish it stays like that.


why can somebody be so pretty with that ugly heart

Your'e all friends are UGLY i know that they are bullies again :'(

Things have changed. We are closer.

You’ve been affectionate and you’ve been accepting my affection. You cant sleep and cuddle but you held me for so long last night, I moved when I could tell your back and shoulder was bothering you.

We’ve talked more. Actual talking and banter. You watched a Disney movie with me lol thank you. 

Most importantly... 

You have plans and I’m a part of them now. You’ve opened the door for me.


what do you mean..

Should I reignite an old flame?

Are you never gonna ask me ?

To all the boys on this site,

I like this boy in my class. Like I really really like him but he is the hardest person to read. Around people he knows really well he is so hyper and full of life but with people he doesnt know that well he is more reserved and shy. I want to tell him so badly that I like him but I have no idea what’s going through a guys head if a girl just told him, she liked him. I don’t know if he likes me but I want to know what’s going on in a boys head.

Sincerally, a curious smitten girl