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1000 letters.

I'm really banking on J 'cause that dick pic ??

Now that would be a sufficient reason to hate myself for ruining something that never was.

Thankfully it wasn't rocket man himself.

You pulled a muscle?

J, S, or H,

Whoever you are I miss you

If it was a freaking republican that took the easy way out because he couldn't admit to liking dick, give the boy a lifetime movie. Give him multiple gay fanfic. Let?him?be?a?god?damn?Titus???

Why you so scared of me? I'm nothing special, just a complex mess

You know, they say first names don't make you related. I mean, on one hand you have a murderer. And on the other? Ohhhh, on the other you have an 'I Stand for the flag and kneel for the cross.'

Honestly, is there a difference between the two?

Murderer, bigot?

Ummm, I want you forever

I try to slink away but like a snake you sense it and pull me back. you don't want me but you don't want to lose my attention and i'm so desperate to re-direct it away from the tricks you played on me. i warn you, be careful because i have ways of creeping under your skin. i might be harder to forget than you anticipated.

What a tall glass of...that better be vodka or we all can just throw out the window the guy that I hope I see miserable one day because he thought I didn't deserve to know who he was.

Like, that shit follows you bitch.

It almost had me crack-alackin and pissin' my pants.

Y'all seen Incredibles 2? Where Violet spits her drink out through her nose.


Fab-u-Lous girlfriend! Queer and here! J in the house.