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1000 letters.

I need to say something. Tragically, I have no fucking idea what it is. Its killing me. I feel like its something that's going to perfectly describe and justify everything I've had to go through in life so far but I really just don't know what. I can almost feel it ripping itself from my throat but getting stuck on my tongue. Always getting stuck there. Hopefully I get it out soon or I just might choke on my own words.

do I go to see her or not? I think no. But I did have a weird dream about her..kind of disturbing ...she was in the hospital, in wounds all over her face..what do I do?

If you see a person who has many wounds, it signifies a lover who won't stay faithful to you and be far away from you quickly.

Always wanting what ya can't have.

And ughhhhhh. He's sooooo hot too.

And who stays single 98% of their life?????? Like?????????? Does no one find him attractive? Cause here I am.

it's been over for a couple of weeks. that's okay. we're okay.

we weren't meant for each other, not forever. that happens sometimes. it's time for us to be independent people; we couldn't keep hiding behind a relationship that was slowly growing toxic. if we hadn't ended it when we did, we wouldn't be able to salvage our friendship at all.

that's all true. we would be worse off if we stayed together. but i still feel horribly, horribly alone.

Speaking of 5 years ago, can we talk about how fast time flies as you get older?

I’m slowly approaching my mid 20’s, fuck.

People on this site be wildin’ nowadays LMFAO

This isn’t the same LTC I joined 5 years ago.

I can't stress enough how good I am with y'all taking as much time as you need.

A year?

Five years??

Until Hell freezes over??????

Just give 18 wheeler the amount it'd take to drop 18 loads in me cause god damn.

Who the fuck goes on a crush website and tells another person to “tone down their crush” 

It’s like going on a gaming site and telling someone to “tone down your gaming”

It’s like going on a cooking site and telling someone to ”tone down your cooking.”

