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i can recognise that perhaps i don't love you anymore yet although this is something i should be happy about i just am not

maybe all the abuse left something in me that still lingers for you to one day realise that what you did was wrong and no healthy, good person could ever do this to another human being, especially one that loved them, especially one that you said you loved too (even if not romantically)

i don't think you're capable of respect and love towards other people though so when i'm waiting for you to come back and say that you're sorry, all i'm waiting for is for you to manipulate me back into your mind games

looking at things this way makes me realise i'm better off all alone, i just really wish i could sleep well

If you still think of me, I still think of you, too. And I hope we will get a chance to see each other next year....

I don’t know how to make myself more relatable than I already am.

I feel like an alien.

I should not be drinking this much before a phone interview.

Wish me luck.

It all feels fake now. It feels like it was in a dream and never really happened. And if I tried for it again, it would not be the same. I’ll never have those moments back. They’re gone.

Im not interested i think your a visual person so when you see me with someone new hopefully it will make you see that its over

i wish my dreams of us were real :(

what is your type? my type are takuaches or skaters

i can't wait for us to get married and get our own rancho with our kids running around feeding the animals and riding horses. having our own trocas and just enjoying life with each other.

just a reminder for all you girls and guys, you are beautiful just the way you are don't let trashy people bring you down. live your life make memories and just always remember you are perfect in every shape or form :) LOVE YALL BE SAFE