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1000 letters.

Normalize believing survivors of abuse

Why do we promote monogamous relationships if we have the innate desire to fuck other people.

I’m not shitting on monogamy btw, I’m just curious.

And before anyone says “eYE cANdY!!1!”

Admiring hot people is much different than admiring a painting or sun set.

My genitals don’t throb from looking at a beautiful sun set.

You make me want to improve my life.

When I do make those changes, will you be interested again? Or were you just making excuses because you were scared?

Love leaves its abusers

You're not capable of love


I will love you forever and thank you for the life lessons

We didn't want the same life

You never disappointed me though, It was just time for me to move on


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Rejection sucks but doing nothing is a guarantee you won't get what you want.

Meanwhile, it's not your responsibility to convince a person to like you.

Silence means they don't care. You're allowed to take it personally because it is personal.

How did this seduction go? Good supply?