There's something exhilarating about putting your heart out on the line. Its like standing on the edge of a cliff for the first time in your life, and looking down out the waves crashing beneath you. You don't really know what lies underneath the glimmering surface, all you know is that you have hiked a treacherous journey to get to that very spot. Who knows how deep that water is. There is a chance that if you leave that ledge, you may never see the edge of the water again. The tension builds as you look out over the water, weighing all the risks that you are taking when your foot leaves that ledge. You jump anyways though. Why? Because if you were meant to die that day, you would regardless of whether you took that step or not. And then you are falling. Your whole life is racing by in a blur and you are floating. Thats where I am. Not yet to have hit the water, just gracefully drifting into my fate. 

5 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago


  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

Do you write? Cuz you should

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

Do you write? Cuz you should

  • Anonymous Author
9 years ago

No I do not normally, but thank you! I appreciate the encouragement!

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