Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings in the world. It's astonishing how much rejection can hurt, and how easily betrayal can crush your dreams. It's unbelievably painful. Each day is a smothered, shattered, hopeless, teary, mess, and you'd almost rather have been stabbed in the gut. At least, it might not hurt so much. 

We've all felt heartbreak, and it's miserable.

But love is one of the best feelings in the world. It's amazing how easily your spirits can be lifted. Just a simple smile can send you soaring over the clouds, and the memory of a loved one's embrace puts you in a better mood than an entire pan of homemade brownies. You're not only full of hope, but you're overwhelmed by it. Your dreams, the ones you thought unnatainable, are not only reached, but surpassed!

And sometimes, it's worth the heartbreak.

Don't give up.

2 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

Trying so hard to believe this is worth it.... Just the thought of rejection hurts right now, but speaking to my crush for seconds at a time feels so amazing...

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

This is such an honest, great letter. Thank you.

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