Guys. I'm telling you everything will be okay. 

It might take a while. You might have days where you feel like everything is hopeless and nights when you just cry and everything just hurts. But I'm telling you that you will be okay. There is always a little bit of hope and as cliché as it sounds, happiness can be found even in the darkness of times if one only remembers to turn on the lights. 

I know autumn is a cold and lonely season for some but there's good things about it too. Treat yourself to some luxury hot chocolate. Have long showers. Have several. Curl up on your sofa with loads of blankets and re-read your favourite books. Get lost in your favourite worlds and dream.
And then one day, when you wake up you'll realise it's okay. It doesn't hurt as much and you will be fine.  

7 comments add comment

  • Holly
9 years ago

Thank you for this :) I'm gonna read my favourite stories for a while, and try to escape for a bit :) Stay beautiful, writer :)

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

Dat dumbledore reference tho :) I love it

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

This saved me from completly breaking down today thank you

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

You have absolutely no idea how much I needed this. I feel like I'm always telling people this, but lately it's been hard to believe. Thank you a million times.

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

U're amazing

  • Random Person
9 years ago

Thank you so much for writing this, i really needed it :')

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

Same for you, writer :)

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