I was just sitting, waiting for my class to start, and I saw that girl, talking and laughing with friends. She talked with them but sometimes, frequently, her eyes switched to the left. So when I noticed that, I followed her gaze, and there was a group of boys sitting on the stairs. I couldn't tell which one she was looking at with those bright eyes until she smiled slightly when the blond one smiled at his friend. That was a really kind smile. Like she was telling herself : I am glad he is smiling.
Then days after, I saw him at the bus station. Not knowing why I started to stare at him. Until he smiled all of a sudden, throwing his gaze to the ground. And when I narrowed my eyes, I saw that girl walking on the opposite sidewalk.

I found that beautiful. And sad. Beautiful, because among all those people at school, the two of them noticed each other. And sad, because they are still apart from each other.


7 comments add comment

  • Jamie
9 years ago

Aww yes, this is sad and beautiful :) But maybe things will work out for them, in some way, later down the road. We never know :)

p.s. this should make the front page!

  • Teddy
9 years ago

Yes, I hope too. I also hope I will be able to see moments like that again.

And thank you Jamie!

  • Cara
9 years ago

This is so sweet. :)

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

Got teary-eyed reading these. Reminds me of myself and my crush... :(

  • anonymous lover
9 years ago

Hello Cupid.

  • Writer of this letter
9 years ago

Hello dear human being.

  • Mr. Romantic
9 years ago

Well then, you should consider making them know each other better.

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