Fuck him. I will not be miserable all weekend just because he chose her over me.

11 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
8 years ago

In the same boat here. I feel this.

  • Charis
8 years ago

Wish I could drill this into my brain.

  • anonymous lover
8 years ago

me too

  • anonymous lover
8 years ago

me too

  • idk
8 years ago

I dont know the circumstances and i"m sorry your love is unrequited, but he isnt obligated to choose you

  • anonymous lover
8 years ago

^^In reply to the above comment, I think the OP is trying to say that they won't be sad that this person chose someone else. They're not saying that they felt that the person was obligated to choose them, but they're venting frustration over this person choosing someone else.

Anger is definitely a common emotion in these types of circumstances! I won't speak for the OP, just trying to clarify possibly...

  • anonymous lover
8 years ago


  • anonymous lover
8 years ago

I totally know the feeling here, but I'm not sure that a hateful feeling towards the other person is the best way to handle it.

In any case I think this is an odd choice for the front page, in my opinion....

  • anonymous lover
8 years ago

A steam engine would explode from pressure if the steam weren't released into the air. That's why it's called "blowing off steam". Pain isn't pleasant. Sometimes, it's explosive and irrational. It's part of being human.

  • Sarah
8 years ago

im dealing with the same thing, but he always comes back to me. it was us loving each other for 3 years and her knowing him for 6 months.... not fair... i get that we r far away from each other.

still hurts a lot

  • dayna
8 years ago

the fact that there was another her involved is just a huge sign that he was never worth it and you deserve better

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