I keep fantasizing about hugging you...it's quite sad

8 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

Go in for a surprise hug.

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

Do it!! Hugs are so nice and normal, so you'll both be happy, and the other person won't freak out.

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

Hug a person, it's free and warm.

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago


  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

I watch other guys hug my crush and I get crazy jealous...

  • Original sender
7 years ago

The guy this is about happens to be a very "huggy" person, so I had to get over the jealousy pretty quick. What made it easier is that the people he was hugging are close friends of his and are all in relationships, and one of them was my sister. This all started after an incident with him putting his arm around me and talking about how short I am. Since then I've just been a mess.

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

fuck this is me

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

Hugging him is actually my favorite thing ugh this letter sounds like something I would write

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