Why isn't there more love in this world?

Where's the love for the girl who is overweight but has a pure heart?

Where's the love for the boy who can't leave his house because he was raped a few miles from there and no one believes him?

Where's the love for the girl who has an eating disorder as a result of a few snide comments?

Where's the love for the boy who just wants to fit in and loses the people he cares about most to?

Where's the love for the girl that got drunk one night at a party, made some big mistakes and has been labelled as a result?

Where's the love for the boy whose not sure about his sexuality but is scared to explore it because he doesn't like the feeling of being called a 'fag'?

Where's the love for the girl who gives so much to others and keeps nothing for herself?

Where's the love for the person who is born in the wrong body and does something to change it?

Where's the love for the person who just wants to be with the person that makes them feel loved, but is of the same gender as them?

Why isn't there more love in this world?

- green eyes

9 comments add comment

  • RDT
7 years ago

It's tough longing for love when your under18, but sooner or later, it will be there. Go out and show you care about one of these people. Love can be contagious.

  • AP
7 years ago

I wrote something for you green eyes... I hope you like it

  • green eyes
7 years ago

awww thank you so much! It's beautiful ?

  • Eos
7 years ago

God loves them.

Always <3

Because the world cannot give enough love to anyone.

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

stop questioning. Its because people keep questioning that we are going no where. It's time to give the love. If there's no one like us, we could be the love. the answer is in us.

  • blue eyed pisces
7 years ago

this makes my heart so sad and happy. finally someone else thinks about these things

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

i mean if she's overweight gtg

  • AP^^
7 years ago

That's a messed up thing to say. Just stfu

  • AP
7 years ago

Everyone deserves love no matter who or what you are

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