I miss my childhood where crushes were just simple. Where you and your crush were shy and would play toys with each other. That simplicity of love is no where to be found as you get older. We just become more and more neurotic and make love more complex as it. I remember when I was in 3rd grade and I had a crush on this girl and I was shy around her. She was shy around me too as she also had a crush on me as well. We would talk about food and toys all day and we would hold hands and play toys with each other. Now I'm all grown up and every time I fall I love I notice how that simplicity is starting to fade. It's not that simple anymore. We have to read all the signals and cues that these women display and then you still have high chance of mistaking the fact that she likes you. It's not simple. Men start pursuing all this materiality wealth just to attract many women who they end up having empty shallow relationships with.

Also see it in women too.... when you were little you just acted shy but you still would talk to to them.. as you get older you start questioning your looks, status, sexuality, And self worth over your crush or someone your in love with. If you have to fucking question that with them they ain't the one. The person who will love you... will love you unconditionally. God forbid but you can have cancer that's make you bald or weak or a skin disease that makes you look "ugly" as society likes to call it... but the man or woman who loves you won't look at the exterior. They will love you for your soul and heart. Don't people forget that since the day we are born, the clock to our death starts ticking. Our time is limited and everything you see will vanish one day. So stop... please don't get caught up in the complexity of love. Just live life and take the punches and cuts to your heart as something to become resilient to. Don't let any asshole or bitch make your heart into stone. Keep loving simply as you did when you were a child. When you were a child you loved with a pure heart and without hesitation.

Love is the key. Attachment is the lock.

Don't get attached... just love

8 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

I dunno. I remember a lot of kids being brutal, nasty, and selfish. With hearts of stone. Kind of like adults, except more blunt about it.

Oh there were nice kids too, but there are also nice adults...

And of course things are more complicated now in some ways, because we're now adults- we have to be more responsibilities. That will seep into every aspect of life.

....I guess I just don't remember such a golden childhood. I remember being punched by mom. I remember bullies. Now as an adult, no one lays a hand on me. So I am glad that part of my life is in the rear view mirror. You can have it.

  • OP
7 years ago

I'm sorry for you Anon.

It can be either way for people. Sometimes we are at paradise when we are young. Sometimes we get there we reach adulthood.

Sending you love and blessings.

  • anonymous lover
7 years ago

You couldn't be more right. Attachment and expectation are what ruin love. Let people be who they are and enjoy their presence to the fullest in that moment, and everything will be okay.

  • Steve
7 years ago

Ooohhhh........"Don't let any asshole or bitch make your heart into stone."

Me likey!!! =D

I do miss my elementary school crushes........I actually talked to them! 8D

  • OP
6 years ago

Damn... I made it here.. I feel honored

Feel like I'm flexicuting xD

  • someone black girl
6 years ago

I took your advice and guess what bitch

HE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well LIKES ME...

we sit together now!

  • someone black girl
6 years ago

I took your advice and guess what bitch

HE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well LIKES ME...

we sit together now!

  • Op
6 years ago



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