My ex and I just laid in bed and cried together over how in love we are and how hard life is.

We've been broken up for five months.

It's hard not to be broken by this.

12 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

You don't sound very broken up to me....

  • OP
6 years ago

But we are :/ And because we are, we're about to move to oceans apart.

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

Distance does not a break up make. It's all heart.

  • S
6 years ago

Who are you to tell this person that they don't sound broken up anon.

I know exactly what thats like. Only because we can't seem to make things work..even deep inside we both know we are soul mates. This won't make sense to some, but others know this all too well.

My heart is broken.

  • OP
6 years ago

We didn't act very broken up, but we were. Today is a week and a half since we last spoke.

Honestly, he had treated me too poorly over our two years and we couldn't overcome it. Too many indiscretions, too much trauma between us as a result. This was only confirmed by yet another one just before this that I didn't find out until recently.

I love him dearly, and he loves me, but he can't be healthy for me and we both know it.

  • beenthere
6 years ago

i broke up with someone after 2 years of him not caring about me, yet a year later i was crying in his arms telling him I'm sorry and i still love him. it was awful. he never changed the way he treated me and we ended up departing each others lives a couple months later without saying goodbye. i feel your pain so much. that was two years ago and i still don't know how to talk about this aloud. he has so many mental issues but i've done everything i can to help him, hard to tell myself to move on. i moved away and am living a completely different, better life now. just wanted to let ya know i feel ya and am sending love your way, you can do this. <3

  • OP
6 years ago

Thank you so much ❤️ I love him so deeply and dearly. I think he loves me the same. But our relationship started off rocky because I was too insecure st the time and he was insensitive and unkind. Over time, that only grew into a lot of baggage. It's so very painful... But I can't make him treat me well and trying has just sucked the life out of me for so long.

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

I feel your pain, I really do.

I've been in love with someone for nearly 4 years. In teenager-speak, that is practically forever. He and I have been on and off for about two years. I know he loves me, but the boy just cannot gather his thoughts and emotions. He is a wreck.

It's tough, but recently i've told myself that i'm going to end this mess. I'm trying my hardest not to talk to him. It is truly one of the most difficult decisions I've ever made. I've tried to keep this very promise many times only to fail, as he is one of my best friends and the love of my life.

So, dear, I truly do understand how it feels when two people love each other but cannot be together. Wishing you the best.

  • OP
6 years ago

Today is officially two weeks of no contact. I'm still struggling, and keep having strong urges to forgive him and go back, but I'm trying to remind myself that love isn't always enough. Even if I desperately want it to be.

  • kkS
6 years ago

oh I definitely understands what you're going through. I had to break up with my ex for reason in which I knew were better for the both of us to be apart than together. I had to force myself to not communicate with him and I told him it was best he did the same for me. it was hard for me to let him go because I didn't want anyone to have him, but I knew in my heart that if I maintained this relationship, it would end up nowhere.

you can do this. I have faith that you can resist temptation and cut communication ties. it is so difficult, but it can be done. sooner or later you will find yourself in a better place, I promise~

  • Understanding friend
6 years ago

I have done the exact same thing.

Love and care go hand in hand...the don't go away overnight.

Some of the most healing moments I've had with my old love is just crying and being open about how broken we are about our break up :(


You can do this love

  • elle
6 years ago

i know exactly how this feels. we're three months broken up and we're barely getting through it. we love each other and it's so hard. sending you the best hugs and much love and i know you're strong enough to get through this! <3

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