I really wish you had not searched for my blog while I was asleep - or that you had found it. There are a lot of raunchy personal details about myself on there that I am not comfortable sharing with you yet.

I don't know how much you read or what assumptions about me you could've drawn, and this hurts my feelings. It is a breach of my privacy. I hadn't shared that blog with anyone - not even my closest friends, not even my best friends.

I hadn't told you not to look for my blog, but when I said I was going to respect the fact that you used one platform and I preferred to use another, I had thought it was implied that we would respect one another's spaces on our separate pages. Instead you searched my page up and left me two messages - "I think I found your blog. I like the writing style."

How much about me did you see? :(

How much did you read?

What do you think you know? :(

I thanked you for your compliment about my writing, then asked you not to look at my blog because it made me uncomfortable, and you told me you blacklisted it along with a few other sites - but who am I to know whether or not you're lying? :(

Make no mistake. I currently see you as a friend, someone who could be a crush if you instigate it that way, but you're not, so ~meh~. But it still hurts me that you did this. Some of those things were not meant for your eyes to see...


- Kate Kane, Batwoman

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