To everyone here who's suffering over an unread message; a contact who's ghosting you; a contact that makes you upset and later just tell you to relax:

It's not worth suffering like this. Trust me. If this hurts, you always can make it stop. No one can tell you otherwise! You got this right to set you free! Even if you need to sacrifice this contact. Even if you need to bury this feeling and move on. Even if you become distant. Just take a look and check your situation. It is worth to suffer for that person? You will thank me later. I know that things are much easier said than done, but, we can do it. I did it months ago and I will do it as long it is necessary. I felt so wore out. I was so sick of crying. I was so sick of being hurt. I was so sick of this. That person was draining me emotionally. Drained my love and replaced it with sadness and repulse. I started to think bad of myself. This is the worst thing that somebody can do to you is make you blame yourself, wonder if you are no longer interesting or attractive, think if there is something wrong with you, make you feel like you're the wrong person.

Take this letter as my advice to all of you.

4 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

needed this, thank you.

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago


  • My love
6 years ago

You're right. I've felt so used, emotionally and sexually and financially. And then they just ended it.

I'm going to wait a bit longer because the love refuses to fade, but I know you're right.

  • :(
6 years ago

byebye toodlelooo fluffy fluff boohoo

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