to the girl who has never been kissed

listen. i know you because i was you. 16, 17, 18, 19 passed. no boyfriend, never been kissed, barely held hands.


are not


there is nothing wrong with you.

you are not unlovable, or messed up, or "behind"

keep on living. enjoy the way the sun comes through the window in the morning. enjoy your cup of tea before breakfast, the adventures you have with yourself, your big comfy bed to yourself.

one of these days he'll come along. he'll show up when you least expect it, and sweep you off your feet. and that kiss, that first moment, will be perfect. and the wait will fade away. and none of that other stuff will matter anymore.

19 comments add comment

  • Destini
6 years ago

I needed to hear this now. I’m definitely in that spot - younger me DEFINITELY thought I’d at least have my first kiss by now. Still waiting, still hoping. :)

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

thank you :)

and you know what, even if my first kiss isn't perfect, it's fine. because love isn't perfect and relationships aren't perfect. and that's perfectly okay.

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago



  • Destini
6 years ago

Ahaha yes, my chapstick game is on point

  • BookWorm
6 years ago

Thank you for that. :)

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

I feel like everyone needs to hear this

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

Thank you I needed to hear this I'm 19 and a freshman in college and have never been kissed and it's always made me a little insecure like well why don't boys want to kiss me thank you for this I think a lot of people need to hear this

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

Thank you I needed to hear this I'm 19 and a freshman in college and have never been kissed and it's always made me a little insecure like well why don't boys want to kiss me thank you for this I think a lot of people need to hear this

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

I remember being 18 and feeling broken because no boy ever wanted me...and then I met a beautiful boy, now I'm married at 23. There is always hope...I still have friends who have just held hands for the first time. You guys got this ❤

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

thanks. I'll be 20 soon

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

Thank you so much...I’m 18 and this is always on my mind. I try not to let it get to me too much but it’s hard

  • positively negative
6 years ago

I needed to hear this so much. Thank you <3

Sometimes I forget that it's not just me.

  • ?
6 years ago

thank you so so so much for this. you're a beautiful soul

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

thank you for this.

  • fragile heart
6 years ago

thank you so much. i needed this so much. thank you. thank you.

  • Na
6 years ago

Trueee. I had my first kiss at 23 .

  • 2312_jellybean
6 years ago

at 26 years old and still a virgin in every way...I got married at the age of my late 27, and my first kiss and the first person to hold my hand is my husband. We are now happily married and a happy family. He's a geek and I'm a weirdo / freak. He's a videographer, cinematoghrapher,photographer and editor, while I'm a videographer, Graphic and fashion designer, and editor.We were both a virgin befor we got married.Took us 1 month after our wedding to finally not being awkward with each other. 11 years we befriend, 11 years we stalk each other, and 11 years we secretly fall for each other.

  • JK
6 years ago

Thank you for this. Currently 21 and feeling out of place and unwanted because of this, even though it shouldn’t affect the way I see myself. Maybe one day!

  • Rosie
6 years ago

This is awesome, thanks. Lately, my friends have been teasing me about not being kissed by anyone yet at 18. Hell, I'd by lying if I said I did not feel pressured by it. It's not that I wish for it, but at times I wonder why it has not happened to me yet. Turns out I'm not alone :)

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