For the girls who are constantly accused of being over emotional and challenging:

There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you saying no and getting upset when that no isn’t easily accepted. You’re allowed to cut off, move on, speak up. You’re allowed to tell someone when they’re being disrespectful. You’re allowed to say “don’t touch me“ and “don’t talk to me/her like that“. Don’t let anyone convince you to water yourself down in the same of preserving some archaic level of femininity that isn’t valid. Be loud and cry and understand that every time you’re told your argument isn’t valid because you’re emotional, that you have something worth saying. That every time you’re accused of being sensitive, that you‘re seeing something others aren’t. There is a reason that you are what you are and you feel what you feel. Logical people wouldn’t exist without emotional women in the first place. Remember that.

9 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago


  • Anon
6 years ago

I don't know who you are, but for what it's worth thanks for this. I tend to be over emotional, empathetic, and half the time in tune with people's emotions. On the other hand, I've had an emotional disorder since I was in my teens..which sometimes makes days tough to deal with. Just wanted to say thanks for your note.

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

I think females are increasingly getting like males and their typical behavior. Females need to be MORE emotional in my humble opinion....

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago


  • anonymous lover
6 years ago


  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

Dear writer,

YESSSSSS!!!!!!! ??

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago

Others aren’t sensitive ENOUGH.

Which usually means others are in a deep sleep.

  • E
6 years ago


  • Neko-tan
6 years ago

Love this!

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