Hello fellow LTC. I have question.

When is the right time to confess to your crush that you like them?

- A

4 comments add comment

  • Hi
6 years ago

Dear A-

Tough call- every situation, and every crusher and crushee is diffierent.

Things to consider: how will you be if this blows up in your face? What would be a good time (timing can be huge). Are you prepared to say what you want to say, or are you better off being more spontaneous? Does anyone else know, and if so, is their opinion worth seeking? Just some food for thought.

Knowing myself, I’d look for a good time, prepare what I want to say, and say it- face to face. Regardless of the sex of the crush, I’d hand him/her a dozen red roses while saying it. And I’d definitely make sure I looked my best. I’m in love, and I want the effort to be obvious.

Life is too short. The deaths of my father and sister taught me that. So I’d say if you think it might go well, or feel like you have to say It anyway, go for it!

Good luck and tell us how it goes if you do it!

  • don't let go
6 years ago

live in the moment. if you're feeling something so strong that cannot be ignored anymore, go ahead. never let something go. wish you all the best <3

  • A
6 years ago

Thank you so much for your advices. I wish you all the best too. I already like him for a year now. :) Maybe someday..

  • anonymous lover
6 years ago


another A

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