my crush wont talk to me he thinks im a embarssment help me its like the wall are caving in no medece is strong enough hellp

4 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
5 years ago

Then he is no longer worth the time you spend thinking about him!

I'm sorry :( doesn't mean you an embarrassment...just means he is a jerk.

Find someone else who is worth your time. You shouldn't be made to feel like that! There are so many good-hearted lonely people out there!

  • anonymous lover
5 years ago

^ maybe he’s shy.

  • anonymous lover
5 years ago

Then stop being an embarrassment. Duh.

  • Del
5 years ago

Fuck him.

Obviously not like.. sex fuck. But like, forget about his ass fuck.

Look, if he’s got his nose so high up in the air that he thinks ANYONE is an embarrassment, then the best thing to do for yourself is move on. Because honestly, anyone that has the audacity to look down on someone, when we are all just trying to survive and be happy, has got an awfully miserable heart. Misery loves company. Don’t let him drag you down.

You don’t want someone like that. He’s shown his colors, believe them.

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