That moment when the park I live in is having a Christmas party, and I'm all like no, don't wanna go, but I will hahaha. I'm trying so hard to get in the spirit. I didn't even go to my own company Christmas party lol. Actually, nobody in the kitchen went. Heck, it may be fun today tho. It starts at 4 in the main office. There will also be a golf cart parade with lights, but I didn't get a chance to decorate mine. They do this every year, and people in here actually decorate their carts and it's cool to see. I wish they were doing kareoke, but nope. You know me and my singing ?. That's my plans tonight and who knows what else after, but I'll be around here out and about on the golf cart. Please stay safe, my love?

This is the perfect weather for cuddling isn't it? ??

Love, Sloth Kristy

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