Do the right thing because God is watching you

6 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
4 years ago

What's the right thing they should do ?Some people don't believe in god too

  • anonymous lover
4 years ago

You don’t have to believe in god to be a decent human being. Kindness!

  • anonymous lover
4 years ago

Everyone has different beliefs

  • anonymous lover
4 years ago

You have your saying and belief that's you not everyone

  • forever alone
4 years ago

forever hold your peace!!!!

and watch salty reddit youtube about failed relationships...

  • anonymous lover
4 years ago

Other anons, if you don’t believe in God then where do you get your standard for goodness? If there’s no God, no ultimate authority, then where are you getting this idea of decency? If there’s no ultimate law or truth then... there’s no standard by which to judge whether someone is decent or not. And furthermore, no ultimate reason for being decent, either.

Sounds pretty bleak, yeah? Yeah. But then, if God does not exist, as some of you claim, then where do our moral ideas and our feelings of “conscience” come from?

I believe there *is* a God. And that though we are sinful and imperfect, we are still created in His image. This means first and foremost that we have inherent value as human beings- that our lives mean something, and that we should view other human lives as such also. This means, secondly, that we are born with a sense of right and wrong. Some people ignore this more so than others, but all of us have it. The Bible speaks of people having “the Law written on their hearts-“ that is, knowing God’s standards internally, though not having the detailed knowledge of his laws themselves. That is where these ideas of decency that you speak of come from.

Next time you talk about kindness and being decent, think about where that comes from. What gives you that sense? Certainly not evolution or an impersonal universe.

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