Joe, I love you and I can’t stop thinking about you. I have never wanted to care for anyone so much that I would love them from a distance also.

4 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
3 years ago

Is their name joe

  • M
3 years ago

I love my Joe too from a distance, but I don't want to be distant from the person I love forever. In time, I hope he wants to be closer to me and care for me too. If not, eventually I will move on and find someone that values me wants to reciprocate. I'm still actively looking for other people to share my time and affection with, even though I love him dearly and would rather just be with him. For now it's a just a process of managing my turbulent emotions and seeing what happens.

  • anonymous lover
3 years ago

Yes their name is Joe

  • anonymous lover
3 years ago

yes M, that’s exactly how I feel, like I could move on from him if he isn’t willing to give me the same affection, but I’m just not of the nature to go out and spill all of my feelings.

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