You radiate love. Your warmth could evaporate the rainiest of days and your aura could make the sun feel cool And calm. A chameleon envies your makeup. It could only wish to blend so well. Your lips rival the first of a world class boxer. Each time they strike me, I’m knocked off my feet. Your smile is blinding; it blinds me from anything else in my view as it draws me in. I’m cuffed by your smile and your eyes throw away the key. When we hold each other, we squeeze our bodies and touch our hearts. Pushing into each other even deeper. Sharing and receiving that special feeling between us. Always multiplying and expanding.


2 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
3 years ago

Beautiful words

  • anonymous lover
3 years ago

So beautiful your writings like a poet from 1000 years ago away from their love on the high seas

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