…work ended, and just about everyone left. We talked about going out with the rest of our colleagues, but ultimately decided against it. 

So we just chatted…and laughed…for like 40 some minutes. It was bliss. It was Heaven. No need to go out this weekend…no need for plans…. That was my weekend, that was my plan. I tried to act normal, but the longer the conversation went on, the more I had to surpress the big, long-held secret— I am so in love with you.

Then reality kicked in. You had to go Home to your spouse and happy marriage. I had a few more things to do at work.

….I don’t want to love you, you know?! I have actively tried to not to love you, but it’s no use. And I can’t find a job elsewhere, I’ve tried. This is getting worse and worse. My my my, what a lovely hell I find myself trapped in.

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