I've been trying to message you still, but I have to be honest and admit I was scared of coming here, scared of admitting I still haven't moved on when you have.

That's okay, I tell myself I'll be alright eventually, I have so many other things in life. I'm trying to heal, I went back to the gym, I'm back to working on projects I love and trying to figure out what to do next in life.

All pride aside though, I still love you and I miss you so much it hurts. I don't know how exactly it all went wrong, but I wish we'd work it out. I just want us, is that stupid? Maybe. Despite everything it's still you, it will always be.

I don't know where to go next, but if I don't have you I still have myself, and even though I'm a work in progress, right now I'm good enough for me :)

5 comments add comment

  • I'm so proud of you
2 years ago


  • OP
2 years ago

Thanks anon ?

  • anonymous lover
2 years ago

" if I don't have you I still have myself", what an achievement! Applaud for you!

  • anonymous lover
2 years ago

That's so great well done OP

  • sea
2 years ago

i'm in such a similar place, thank you for posting this :) it helps to not feel so alone

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