LtC Community - do you think it's possible for a girl and guy to be very close friends without one developing feelings for the other?

5 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

Of course

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

I wish

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

Not sure necessarily about close friends, but I (heterosexuals M) did a while back (I moved overseas and lost contact) have a colleague (heterosexual F, avowedly very attractive) and without seeing each other outside of work except the occasional lunch, we sort of turned into each other’s occasional confidante and could talk easily about our respective private lives or whatever else. I was with someone, she wasn’t (or dating around) and there was never any tension whatsoever (not that I would be her type anyway, she’s rather taller than me). To this day she’s the only person apart from family and SOs who told me, just that one time, like she meant it, while I was going through a rough patch that she was helping me through, “I love you”. And then I just said “I love you too”, and again no tension at all, plus we were each with someone at that point, just platonic love I guess. We lost contact, but that’s a part of my life that, though brief, that I cherish. It’s nice to know someone loves you in that way.

  • Yes, but
one year ago

Odds are someone catches feelings, sooner or later. Especially if you become close friends…. But yes, possible.

  • anonymous lover
one year ago


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