How I wish my heart had an "unlove" button. So I could turn off this unrequited love for her. I will probably never stop caring about her. I'm just so tired of crying over someone who will never feel the same about me and has no idea I even feel this way.

16 comments add comment

  • Anon
11 months ago

Does she know?

  • <3
11 months ago

tell her how you feel..and if she doesn't feel the same way then she wasn't worth it in the first place. you deserve the world so find someone who treats you like it :)

  • OP
11 months ago

Unfortunately, I never got to say goodbye to her and I don't have a way to reach her. The fact that she didn't say goodbye to me should tell me everything but I don't know the circumstances behind it. Maybe she meant to and something happened. The uncertainty of it has made it so very hard to let go. I just keep hoping I'll see her again sonehow and I can finally get closure.

  • <3
11 months ago

not getting closure is probably one of the hardest things to go through when you care about someone so much because you keep wondering what could've been (i've gone through smth like this before_..but if you just focus on the future and the fun things you're gonna do, even if it's just laying on the couch and watching tv, you won't worry as much about her

  • OP
11 months ago

@ <3

It's been so very hard. I just wish I knew what happened. I thought we were at least friends and to have her just vanish on me doesn't make any sense. It hurts so bad and I can't get her out of my mind. Some days I'm fine, others I start crying out of nowhere. I dream about her a lot lately and it always makes me sad. I'm so heartbroken but I'll try to think positively about the future. Thank you for your kind words.

  • anonymous lover
11 months ago

i've also gone through something similar before and mann, that took me ages to recover but i promise you that it'll get better as time passed. i have learnt that not getting a closure is a closure itself. time heals and i believe that everything happens for a reason and that's someone out that is better fitted for you :)

  • love
11 months ago

and that there is someone out there that is better fitted for you**

  • OP
11 months ago

Again,thank you very much, everyone. I'm taking it a day at a time. I've never been this hurt before. I not only lost contact with a friend but also someone I am secretly in love with. And without any warning or reason. I care about her so much and wish I could've told her everything. I wish I could know why she left. :(

  • anonymous lover
11 months ago

when did she leave?

  • anonymous lover
11 months ago

I'm sure if she knew you felt this way, she would be understanding although she may not feel the same. Unrequited love is incredibly hard to go through

  • OP
11 months ago

I last saw her at the end of January.

  • anonymous lover
11 months ago

you should try to tell her how you feel, in order to have no regrets

  • OP
11 months ago

^ Believe me, if I could get in touch with her I would. I'd give so much just to talk to her one last time. I accept that she likely doesn't feel the same toward me. I can't change feeling the way I do. But saying goodbye in person would really help me move on. I'm so tired of living like this.

  • jj
11 months ago

It's either you take the risk or lose the chance. If you decided to reach out to her, i really hope it goes well. :>

  • Rose
10 months ago

I know it is painful I know exactly how you feel. there is one of two options, you can tell her how you feel and at least you will be put at ease as you know the answer, or two you can keep It to yourself and most likely eventually get over her (not completely though)

  • Anonymous
9 months ago


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