I see him again today, like everyday. I will more than likely talk to him again, probably for way too long as he likes to walk with me (nothing else could explain why he waits around or starts going “oh and” whenever I try to leave to not get us in trouble). It’s magic to me but it’s nothing to him. There was something about yesterday that changed something. A split second while making eye contact I felt your energy change and I glared deep into your eyes to try and figure out where you were at. And you caught me doing it, so I looked away. I can’t bare to look at you directly most of the time so eye contact between us is rare. It’s magic to me but it’s nothing to you. I love you enough to bare the pain of pretending I only see you as a friend, but I’m so stuck on yesterday. You have to know deep down. There’s no way you don’t. There’s no way I’m going to tell you regardless


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