"She probably had a crush on me, too. Why else would she look at me like that so much?"

One of many lies I've been telling myself about you. :(

6 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
9 months ago

If she is scanning you up and down, she definitely liked what she definitely likes what she ? see's.

  • anonymous lover
9 months ago

maybe it is not a lie

  • anonymous lover
9 months ago


  • anon
9 months ago

I can relate

I told myself the same lie.

Plus “why would she compliment me so much.”

Lies lies lies - all my fault

I feel so silly

  • anonymous lover
9 months ago

IKR... I also thinking that he might be have crush on me cause he alwyas see me with 'tHaT' look, but then I remember he have eyes so he do that.

  • anonymous lover
8 months ago

I relate to this so much. :(

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