everytime we look at each other, we smile and say hi. i wonder if you like me or just being nice. i wish i could tell how much i like you except i can't

10 comments add comment

  • sa
7 months ago


  • anonymous lover
7 months ago


  • anonymous lover
7 months ago

I had that with my person.

I would say Yes, I do like you too!

and I miss you!

  • anonymous lover
7 months ago

why can’t you op?

Are you afraid of rejection of there are other more complicated reasons?

  • Rose
7 months ago

that is the exactly the interaction I had/have with my guy. Sometimes followed by a small talk. I don't know about M, as for myself, It's because I have feelings for him.

  • anonymous lover
7 months ago

I miss those kind of crushes.

  • anonymous lover
3 months ago

Fortnite balls

  • anonymous lover
3 months ago


  • anonymous lover
3 months ago


  • OP
2 months ago

I cant tell them how I feel because we are friends in the same friend group, it would blow everything up, I would rather be friends than nothing at all.

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