Here's my issue.

I'm not hurt and devastated that you are currently ghosting me and pulling away.

I'm hurt and devastated because you made me believe you had feelings for me for 5 months. Treated me like a girlfriend, cared for me, showed me that you were all in, showed me there's was no one else.

Yet, in between all the bliss...there are short moments like this where you pull back, ghost me, act distant and if you don't care anymore.

It's an endless loop that I cannot escape. As soon as I start to convince my heart that I don't deserve come back. With the same attitude that I love, the you that I love.

I don't know what to do.

Part of me feels that it's your inexperience and your insecurity, seeing as we are both very young. That's the excuse I tell myself anyway. If it's valid or not, I don't know.

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