You told me you loved me then you ghosted me. I don’t understand why I can’t be enough for you. You stick out to me like Blood in the snow. Like A Red moon in a sky full of stars. Your eyes are as gorgeous as the northern lights. Every time I look into them I get lost, even if it’s just pictures of them. You’re as perfect as a frank ocean or Mac Demarco song. Yet I’ve learned to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself for now on. 

When I used to think about you I’d get butterflies and fireworks in my stomach, my heart would flutter, my eyes would dilute, and I’d smile ear to ear. But when I think about you my heart drops, my smile disappears and a frown replaces it. My eyes rain and my mind clouds. I hate that I love you, but I also can’t help it. I hate that I can’t have you, And i hate that I feel this way about you, It’s as if I wish I never met you.

You remind me of;

“Heart to heart” ~ (M.D)

( 0:00-0:20) ~ Ivy (F.O)

(0:50-1:00) ~ Pink Matter (F.O)

“White Ferrari” ~ (F.O)

“I Wait for you”~ (A.G)

“Jealous” (EyeDress)

Anyways I know you’ll never see this.. but I Wish you well.

Love, The Girl With The Pretty Brown Eyes.

Allison Sage

seesaw playing on my feed is INSANE.

sometimes i forget that i went to watch the movie with my cousin. but Suga is an incredible soloist.

i think as i delve deeper into their artistry and their work and the intention behind it, i realize why my cousin and sister love their music so much. too bad my FAVORITE ONE. was being a stoopid boi. lol.

but no, it’s genuinely so soulful. map of the soul duh.

i wrote for an application today. my first time writing something like that in a while. four pages long aha.

i read and reread. and it was incredibly vulnerable. i forget how much personal statements are so…personal. and it was nice. to see how i’ve grown in my perspective of failure. but also in recognizing my weaknesses…as motivation to build up strength.

it’s why my little lanyard for the keys for my car is a purple little whale. for 00:00. “and you‘re gonna be happy.” for my sister. aha she reminds me to keep coming back home. maybe that’s why i made that reference into something i take everywhere with me.

the very first song i couldn’t feel anything to. now it brings me to tears everytime. tho mikrokosmos is special because it reminds me of stars in the sky. it feels hopeful.


HA! issok i’m in my letting go era so it’s nice to rewrite the people please oldest sister narrative. hm hm hmmmm, when did i forget to use my voice and speak up for what i believe in?

- pinkfluffyclouds


What the fuck did I do. I love you but you won't talk to me. You just upped and left my house without a goodbye or a love you or anything. You went out what the your work friends so I did mine. You didn't communicate with me at all even tho you said you would so how TF was I to know you were coming back early. I'm sorry you was let in by my parents and not me. But I came straight back to you. Was it really necessary for you to then just up and leave. I got like 15 mins with you. And now you're off grid. You won't talk to your mum about it. You lied to my parents and was shit talking me. Like what is your problem. If this tonight is who you are and it turns out youre not the man I've spent the past six months loving then tell me so I can figure out if I deserve that or not. I love you. And I don't want to lose you. I am not me without you. The best parts of me are because of us. And I will move heaven and earth to protect that.


Cubby, I could never hate you no matter what you think of yourself. I still dream of you every night. I miss when we were cowgirls together, please come back.

I can't stop thinking about you. It gets me so hot. No amount of makeout gifs, massage foreplay, 69 and sex scenes I look at, it's not you looking at me. I wish we were all of those things. I wish you would drive to my house in the middle of the night, say you're a block away and to come meet you. I willingly oblige. You say a sarcastic remark about why I'm still up we both know the answer. It's you. It's you I'm waiting to take your fingers softly and trail along half my face, tip up my chin and say something like it's always been you. And kiss me so passionately in your new car, that I still have yet to ride in. I loved that you called me when you woke up after you got settled. I know you think about me. I just wonder how much? You do things make you think of me. Why can't you see something more than just friends here? We have an undeniable bond. It's electric sexual tension.

No he dejado de pensar en ti desde que rompimos. Lamento mucho haberte hecho da�o, pero fue mi culpa, todo fue mi culpa. Lamento si te hice sentir culpable, no lo eres. Te sigo amando como el primer d�a y fui un est�pido al terminar contigo de esa manera, fui ego�sta y un completo idiota. Espero que alg�n d�a puedas perdonarme. Espero que tu gato est� bien y feliz y que, sobre todo, t� seas feliz. Te amo April, y no creo que pueda parar nunca. Para April B. de parte del chico m�s est�pido, Daniel.

Oh, Dani, ojal� pudieras ver lo mucho que te amo y todo lo que hice por t�. �Por qu� hiciste esto? �Por qu� decidiste terminar conmigo de esta manera? �Es que no fui suficiente? A�n despu�s de lo que hiciste, no puedo odiarte y no puedo dejar de amarte. Desear�a que pudieras leer esto y entender c�mo me siento.