idk fuck you for real. fuck why do you have to play with me and my feelings just to throw everything i show to you away as soon as stuff gets fucking scary or weird i can’t do this shit i’m not strong enough for it stop fucking playing with my feelings


wildflower by Billie eilish. that's all I gotta say.

I think I deserved a kinder goodbye

It could have happened to anyone. But it didn’t. It happened to you. Thats gotta count for something.


It was never the hair that made me fall in love with you. I will never be able to explain that because I knew I was doomed the minute you came back into my existence. It was like the moon descending into the sky on a dark night. It's like watching colour enter into my black and white life. You have completely shifted my universe and I know not what to do about that. I mean it when I say I want you to stay forever in my life. Never ever state again that you don't think I like you because I love you with every pore, breath, bone of my body until there is nothing left of me. And I know one day we will not look as we look now but you'll always change the colour of my face into a deep crimson whenever you lay your eyes on me as if you're my favourite singer that has called me to the front of the stage.

I thought I had moved on, why did you pop up in my head again? why don’t you just tell me you don’t love me?

tbh I rlly don't wanna tell you abt it ever bc I don't want u to be hurt. I care too much, but then I also wouldn't want u to cry for days if it happened.except ik it's not js u that would be affected by it..

i miss you so much, i wish we could speak again, im missing your touch so bad, even though we never touched it was just gen z love, i miss the way you spoke to me, i miss the way you cared. i miss the way you always made me feel wanted and loved, i wish we could reconnect and talk again, even the thought of you makes me miss it, your words, the feeling i got when texting you, i love you dylan, and i miss you every single day. now i cant text another boy without thinking of you, imysm

I would wait for you my whole life, my first love, I’ll never forget you.

your body is perfect. never let others pick apart your heart, I will glue it back together. icl you're so attractive, especially your body. I adore you, my baby.