So I don’t have to get a breast reduction then?

i love you so much and i really wish you didn’t feel that way about your body because it’s perfect just the way it is .


I told you I hate you and you still won't leave me alone. It's not funny

Go get your family back bruh


How do I get my ex back?

Any advice?

Close the window that hurts you, no matter how beautiful the view is.

I told you I hate you and you still won't leave me alone. It's not funny

To the loml

I still love u. I know we broke up but I’ll wait for you forever bc I know that we are meant to be.

I hope u soon Will realize that and I forgive u for everything. I cant let go of u. ive done everything with you.

I cant forget how much ur eyes light up every time you look at me

I cant forget ur beautiful smile

I cant forget the promises we made to eachother

I Will marry you one day

- Smilla

f it guess we both ain’t shit 🤣