‘I want to help you but also I’ll flirt with you because I can do what I like and your feelings or perspective aren’t really important to me’ is an attitude any woman can do without. Especially a woman over 30. From a man or a woman. If you want to be taken seriously, take me seriously too.

Well those people can fuck off. I don’t do casual. Make peace with that.

Not everyone wants to have deep meaningful relationships. Make peace with that.

omg i feel butterflies with you now ur the best i like you so much

In a month they won't care about you anymore

I'll still care

Sorry for the attitude... And all that other shit.

how much does it take for a boy to cry over a girl?

*sends note to person I like*

‘You’re a hypocrite, a user, an abuser’

*inflicts psychological terror on somebody they have little knowledge or experience of for kicks*

‘I’m a good person, a humanitarian, righting the wrongs of an evil person’

There. Is. No. Justice. I hope you’re sleeping soundly tonight, actual abuser.

If it's stuck in your head there's a reason

think I took it too far when I sold you my heart