This distance is making me so horny 4 u

Friends that invite you out instead of waiting for you to ask them to hang out ?

I wonder if there is a sing called f.u.c.k love

Is he texting you or just replying to you? You deserve someone who texts you.

So he likes me back. I won. Idk how to feel what on earth is happening omg

Omg WHY do you like this having so much space and distance is awful ? whyyyyy u know I love you wish you would just let me be near you. I could stay in another room lol miss you fuck face xx

I miss you ?

I wish we broke the ice back then…but we both were too shy. Now we may not even ever see each other again

I’m caught in the dissonant duality of wanting to feel protected and gentled,

And being my own rescuer.

“I’m small, and afraid of being broken.”

But then I remember that no one can do that to me if I don’t allow it. No man can break me.

But, I still want to ask you for your care.

I used to think you were pained by how much you liked me and that you did things to capture my attention. I wish I still had that level of arrogance in my life because the way nothing happened was pretty humbling.