You make me laugh

You laugh at me laughing

Then we laugh some more at each other's laughter

So tell me, why aren't we together?

We have such chemistry!!

I'm a chemist remember? So I know

today is driving me crazy

Just a friendly reminder to drink your eight glasses of water and wear your sunscreen (rain or shine).

Love you all ❤️

i was scared, so i took a leap. you caught me at first, but now you're slowly discarding me. why?

Wanting you

I love you too.

-leaking gland

′′ If we ever stop talking, and you don’t know how to come back, send me a song.” 

~ Begin again

your memory is ecstasy

hi you,

thanks for spending the last couple of days with me. thank you for being gentle with me yesterday. and thank you for believing in us. i somehow feel close to you amidst all this distance. i cannot wait to see what the future holds for the both of us. i'll be by your side no matter what.

all my love,
