Do you still remember me? I still remember you. I really regret not realising my feelings. After I moved countries, I thought I could forget you, and I have. However, in a random class or a random moment of life, your face comes into my memory. But the last two years I spent near you really enlightened me. As I only studied at a girls school, you were the first guy I ever caught feelings for. I still cherish our moments together. I still remember the times when I would purposefully walk across your class and stare at you and I would always catch you staring at me. At first, I thought I was delusional or that I didn't even like you, but did you know that after I was out of your view, I would always try to stifle a blush, but it was uncontrollable? Or the times when you walked past my class and I would try not to stare, but then I would glance at you. I didn't realise what this meant but now I do. Even though we are half a world apart from each other, random memories of you make it seem like you are near. I think it will take 3 years before I can find another boy, and I will be an adult.So I think your memories can keep me occupied until then. I am, however, glad that we never told each other about our feelings because if someone else found it,, we both would be disowned, but I am happy you showed signs. After I left our school, my best friend said that u confessed to your friends about your feelings, but I am sad that I could never hear you say it in person. However, its too late, I don't ever think I am coming to my country of origin so I hope you have a good life. I'm working towards being a scientist, and one day, if I am on TV, I hope you think about me. :)

You’ll likely never read this. It’s funny because you’re the poet, not me. I wish I could talk to you but at the same time every time we communicate it hurts even worse than before. I wish you would have been straight up honest with me from the very beginning but instead you led me on for years, which felt like an eternity; all because of our gender. I don’t even feel like myself anymore, it’s crazy because it’s been almost 2 years. The crazier part is that we never even dated, it was all just a situationship. We Kept breaking no contact but when you just up and left i was confused and you never really communicated very well but I’m not good at communication either but why did you leave me with no explanation? Besides the fact that you’re focusing on your career and our gender? I hope you find the love that you deserve but please next time treat whoever you date better than the way you treated me.

Dear Christinu,

Im going to call you Christina for this. I love you. I don't know why. It's not normal for me to be gay but you literally turned me gay. everything about you is amazing. you're perfect and I don't know how to deal with that. im sorry for blowing you off all summer; i just don't want to be gay. my parents would burn me at the stake if they find out. you're the first real crush i've ever had. I know that you'll never like me back, but maybe in another universe we're together. I love you.

From, The Girl you turned Gay,


I love you

One day maybe you will look at me and not see me as a stranger. One day maybe you'll say hello. Until that day comes, you will forever live rent free in my head, In my imagination and in my soul as mine.

Dear Christinu,

Im going to call you Christina for this. I love you. I don't know why. It's not normal for me to be gay but you literally turned me gay. everything about you is amazing. you're perfect and I don't know how to deal with that. im sorry for blowing you off all summer; i just don't want to be gay. my parents would burn me at the stake if they find out. you're the first real crush i've ever had. I know that you'll never like me back, but maybe in another universe we're together. I love you.

From, The Girl you turned Gay,


I love you

Dear Christinu,

Im going to call you Christina for this. I love you. I don't know why. It's not normal for me to be gay but you literally turned me gay. everything about you is amazing. you're perfect and I don't know how to deal with that. im sorry for blowing you off all summer; i just don't want to be gay. my parents would burn me at the stake if they find out. you're the first real crush i've ever had. I know that you'll never like me back, but maybe in another universe we're together. I love you.

From, The Girl you turned Gay,


I love you

I’m so fucking in love with you

I want to solve the crossword today!

You got problem to sleep

Worry-less.. lemme sing a lullaby

Hahengg.. hahengg.. hahengg.. hahengg🎶🎶


I wish I could meet you all over again without falling inlove with you, I'm trying not to gain attachment, knowing full well you have a girlfriend when I alr fell for you. before the gf, I knew this was already one sided, the way you treat me is prob the same as you treat most ppl, strangers even. however I still linger on that tiny hope, but knowing abt ur rs, I'll try to move on for my own health cuz my worth to you is nothing of sort, but you worth the entire universe to me, it could only be describe as ineffable. ik you'll never find this, I hope it stays this way. if this feelings still linger, I'll confess to you at my graduation anonymously