We haven’t seen each other for so long….

Most likely you forgot all about me.

I wish our paths crossed just one more time…

You're no longer in my life but I miss you. I shouldn't be heartbroken over you but I am. It's wrong, I know. We were never together but I've dreamed about it so much. We both have someone and I shouldn't be feeling love toward you. But I am. I love you. I doubt you feel the same. Even if you did, we could never act on it. I wish sometimes that I could go to an alternate universe where we're together for one day, just to see what could have been. It's just wishful thinking. Maybe it's best I don't know. So I'm trying so hard to let you go. You'll never know this but you took a part of my heart with you.

When we talk amongst everyone else, to me it feels like it’s only us, all I can focus on is you, all I see is you and your inside jokes, your little smile or smirk. But then you go and talk to someone else and I start to wonder if it’s all in my head, that you don’t feel that way, that I am stupid ... that I can’t read what’s going on.

It's been so long since I last saw you and I'll likely never see you again. I wish so badly that I could've said goodbye, at least. Did you mean to leave without saying goodbye to me? I hope so much that you didn't. I'll never know. I shouldn't love you but I do. I shouldn't be heartbroken but I am. You will never know how much you truly meant to me. I wish I could've told you, even though I know you don't feel the same way. I can't explain why I fell for you but I did. I truly miss you. There are so many reasons why we weren't meant to be but I can't help my feelings. I hope you are happy and well tonight, wherever you are. And I hope you have a long and happy life. Thank you for being part of mine for a while.

I wish you knew how I felt. Everything you do just makes me love you more. I love listening to music with you, but that feeling when a love song comes of hurts so much because I know i'm thinking of you, but you aren't thinking of me.

how do i always find myself here?

i’ll never be able to sleep with a decision looming over me when i wake up

why couldn’t you just want me like i want you?

Waking up to the sounds of the rain and the winds...I wish I was in your arms.

If only you were with me.

I wonder if you feel like you blew it.

Yes, you hurt me. But I see you for more than the pain that held you back. You are what I see. Beautiful, you.

The steadiness I feel in your presence is the realest thing I’ve felt in years. I’d give you 1,000 more chances to break me if it meant a chance at sharing a life with you.

I guess it’s safe to say I still love you.

I'm sorry if I ever come off as quiet or rude. I try my best to talk to you, but I get so flustered when I see you. Your tone seems to change when you talk to me, and it gives me hope, but man you do something to me.

i secretly like your cringe worthy jokes on repeat even if i have heard them for the millionth time in the week i always try to act surprised or come up with new reactions every time you begin the same sentence again because i think its worthwhile being around you even if you don’t feel that way about yourself