I’ve never liked conventionally attractive, popular men. I have a serious thing for the outcasts that have no idea how hot they are. Quirky habits and hobbies, dimensional taste in music, and strong convictions are my weakness.

5 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
2 years ago

Same!! My most recent boyfriend was exactly like this

  • anonymous lover
2 years ago

would you like to date my best friend loool this is exactly him and no-one will give him a fuckin chance

  • anonymous lover
2 years ago

The person I like is exactly like this and they're either blind or really not intersted so I guess I'm not part of one of those quirky interests, but I get your preference, I really do

  • anonymous lover
2 years ago

Well, guess the "non-popular" really isn't applicable lmao

  • Prophesy
2 years ago

True dat

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