One of my favourite love stories is the one about the sun and the moon.

Legend says that the moon and the sun have always been in love, but they could never be together. It's a story about how the sun died every night just to let the moon breathe and in turn, the sun shines everyday to reflect the moons love for her.

It was a forbidden love, one that most could relate to... loving from afar, because you know it's better for the both of you. You never stop caring for them, but you know it was for the best.

9 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

Lovely ??

  • anonymous
one year ago

Never heard this before

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

I love this so. Thank you for sharing.

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

I wrote about the love of Sun and Moon before, I didn't know it really did exist, the legend I mean

  • OP
one year ago

yeah, I heard about it years ago. I love the story, it always manages to make me smile. :)

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

I am the sun with 2 moons and a husband. Once I love, I don’t stop. Even if only I know the love that exists.

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

We all have that one person that we love from a distance <3

  • G
one year ago

To love and be love; is it feel the sun from both sides

  • anonymous lover
7 months ago

I've seen tattoos inspired by this <3

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