Its funny reading past letters on here because if you ever found this place you’d soon come to realise what I told you was true. I liked you, still like you because you are you. You made me feel like I belonged, you made me feel like I could do anything.

You made me believe in happiness, whenever you were around I felt at peace and I felt warmth, for the first time ever I could actually imagine having a future and I wanted to share it with you. I knew you weren’t perfect, nobody is perfect, you were annoying somedays and frankly I disagreed with somethings you said but that’s called being human.

My feelings were never play pretend, my feelings weren’t a joke, my feelings weren’t based off of the things other people were saying. It wasn’t how you looked, it wasn’t how much you had in your account, it wasn’t your status, it wasn’t your age it was simply you and your personality.

4 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

Sweet letter! Shes lucky!

  • ^ Op
one year ago

He minus the happy ending. Didn’t believe me

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

That sucks if he didn’t believe you. But you never if he’ll come around!

  • anonymous lover
one year ago

*never know he might come around

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