Silence hurts. Alot.

But that's the thing with unconditional love. I will love you even at your worst. I will be here when you're ready.

But i can't lie and say that i don't want to have a conversation. A stress free one. I want to talk to you. I want you to ask "How was your day?" and i will ramble about whatevers on my mind. And we wouldn't have to deal with this.

I want to be your friend.

Silence hurts

8 comments add comment

  • anon
9 months ago

I can relate…

And in my case, the person doesn’t care

  • anonymous lover
9 months ago

Initial of your person, OP?

  • anonymous
9 months ago

so relatable.

  • anonymous lover
7 months ago


  • d
7 months ago

miss u friend ☹️

  • anonymous
7 months ago

relate hard to this :( i wish they would just text me.... but i know that i need to give them space and time

  • anonymous lover
4 months ago

How was your day?


  • anonymous lover
4 months ago

How was your day?


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