Good night, my person. You're never going to read all the letters I've written to you on here. You're never going to know about all the prayers I say every day for your safety and happiness. You never hear me when I talk to you out loud when I'm alone. I'll never be able to tell you how I feel for you and how much you mean to me. I'm never going to see you again. So why do I keep doing all these things for you? Why am I spending all this energy on someone who has likely forgotten I ever existed? Maybe I'm in love with you. Maybe I'm delusional. Maybe both. I really don't know anymore. I miss you so much that it hurts and there's nothing I can do about it.

7 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
6 months ago

I miss my person too. I hope he's fine

  • OP
6 months ago

Anon, wouldn't it be a cruel irony if you were my person and I was yours? :(

Anyway, I hope you're able to reconnect with yours someday. I've given up hope.

  • anonymous lover
6 months ago

I had the same thought when I read your post OP, that perhaps you were my person?. However, it's impossible because he doesn't have the time for this. He's a busy man and maybe too old for this?

I've given up hope too. It's been almost a year. It is what it is. May we all find the happiness and peace we deserve. Take care, OP. You are amazing for having the patience to wait for your person?

  • OP
6 months ago

Thank you, anon, for your kind words. Can I please ask what your initial is? Mine is J. I know it's a billions-to-one chance but why not? I haven't seen her since last January but I guess one last try couldn't hurt.

  • anonymous lover
6 months ago

My person's initial and my initial are the same. I'm sorry OP but it's not J.

  • OP
6 months ago

Anon, thank you for letting me know. As I said, the chances you were her were nearly impossible but at least I can stop wondering now. I wish you the very best.

  • a
one month ago

help, i can relate to this so much :(

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