Someone who understands you enough to wound you but not enough to appreciate your qualities and come alongside you isn't any kind of friend. Thanks for teaching me that. Thanks for also teaching me that in spite of my weaknesses, I've got a pretty strong heart. Thanks for teaching me that life isn't fair, but the right people will see and value your true intentions. Thanks for teaching me how much of life is truly fake and superficial and how people really will believe anything if it suits their agenda or bias. Thanks for teaching me how I had far too much faith in the superficial for wanting to be happy, but that loving someone and seeing and believing the best and highest truth about their soul doesn't mean they will see yours. Thanks for teaching me how misplaced trust can make it very hard to trust another who truly sees the best in you, and that isn't fair on them.

Thank you.

5 comments add comment

  • anonymous lover
9 days ago

Have a great life

  • anonymous lover
9 days ago


  • OP
9 days ago

No, I'm R, writing to another R, no longer in my life.

  • anonymous lover
9 days ago


  • anonymous lover
8 days ago

Thank you for teaching me all the disgusting ways of life. go drink your Kool-Aid and don’t forget what your Best friend said years ago. You’re a dirty _r! Thank you for proving that your trash and people don’t change and where you come from matters.

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