Dear N, I hate to admit it, but they were right, my eyes are my worst enemies. Our relationship is my dearest secret, and I hope it's one of yours too, but how can we make it so obvious when we're together with our friends? We've been together for a while now and I still feel like it's the day I fell in love, it certainly took me a while to admit that to myself, but in the end, I ended up giving my heart to you. Love, love is a fortune I thought I would never be lucky enough to have again, but you make me feel like the luckiest of the luckiest people when I'm with you. You are the reason for my sweet dreams, the only one I would hate to sadden.

Hope one day you will see this.

– With love, ⛤

It’s cheaper to pay for the machine than actual classes, tbh

I know that’s righttttt

I’m not confused 🤔

I’m always right

Tape, when I lost my pooka bracelet in abbeys pool my heart sank right along with the bracelet. It felt like I lost a part of you. Why weren't you wearing the wave bracelet i made you? I miss you and I'm counting down the months until I can take you on a real date when we can drive I'm gonna take you anywhere! We'll go to your favorite aquarium and we can go watch the sunset together! when my mum found us out that day when we watched Moana i felt so alone. You made it better but I hate that we can't hangout anymore. It's been raining by kimya dawson like literally described what that day was especially since it literally rained the next day I love you lamp!

Praying your mom and dad are safe

Tape we spent the night at abbeys last night. I might not say it but that was the best night of my life I felt like I was actually loved by someone. I sometimes wonder why you pulled away the Friday my mum found out but i know you have your reasons I love you so much why cant we be more like that often just yk wondering. also sarah heard us the entire time I don't know how but I'm surprised. You make me feel loved like all the time everything is amazing with you and everything has been the best part of my life woth you probably ever. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here when you left abbey's my heart hurt a little. I mean I don't know how many relationships you've been in and I don't know if you've ever done this before but it special to me. When we kiss I feel like we were meant to meet idk if you'll ever see any of these but if u do please i know I say this all the time but if u ever want to even if it js crosses your mind for a second please kiss me I'm a chill person usually but I Ned reassurance all the time and I wanted to ask you why u were using an anxiety ring a lot that night I love you lamp!


your mom messaged me today. how very sweet aw. it was something i really needed and i was grateful for the reminder.

but aw she’s so thoughtful.

i wish her well always.

- pinkfluffyclouds

Happy Friday 🙃 ur heavy on my brain 🧠

letting go and letting god