Dear Christinu,

Im going to call you Christina for this. I love you. I don't know why. It's not normal for me to be gay but you literally turned me gay. everything about you is amazing. you're perfect and I don't know how to deal with that. im sorry for blowing you off all summer; i just don't want to be gay. my parents would burn me at the stake if they find out. you're the first real crush i've ever had. I know that you'll never like me back, but maybe in another universe we're together. I love you.

From, The Girl you turned Gay,


I love you

I’m so fucking in love with you

I want to solve the crossword today!

You got problem to sleep

Worry-less.. lemme sing a lullaby

Hahengg.. hahengg.. hahengg.. hahengg🎶🎶


I wish I could meet you all over again without falling inlove with you, I'm trying not to gain attachment, knowing full well you have a girlfriend when I alr fell for you. before the gf, I knew this was already one sided, the way you treat me is prob the same as you treat most ppl, strangers even. however I still linger on that tiny hope, but knowing abt ur rs, I'll try to move on for my own health cuz my worth to you is nothing of sort, but you worth the entire universe to me, it could only be describe as ineffable. ik you'll never find this, I hope it stays this way. if this feelings still linger, I'll confess to you at my graduation anonymously

So many half (and quarter) finished files

Stories that will never be told due to the damning nature of ADHD (and insecurity) 🥲


i saw this video of girls making a friendship bracelet bowl at a party. and all their boyfriends came to DISRUPT THE PEACE (talk about aggravating LOL)

and they brought frogs.

mind you. full grown adults. influencers who ahaha make videos of getting your first home.

and then they all just played freeze tag together? 🥺

yo where they from where can i find adult friends LIKE THIS. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME I PLAYED FREEZE TAG AHAHAH.

- pinkfluffyclouds

Good morning.

Slept my aggression away. 😌

It’s gonna be a good day.

Dear N, I would love to say the reasons why I fell in love with you, but I don't know. You're extraordinary, a great person, your eyes are the most radiant thing I've ever seen even though they share a giant mystery and pain. You're the funniest boy I know, my love. Don't matter how much you're sad or hurt, I will always be here for you, you're not alone in this anymore, -- . ..- / -... . --

Hope one day you will see this.

– With love, ⛤

Do you plan on having me in your future? Or are we still too "na�ve" to cross such a boundary?

Do you dream of living a life full of salad days as much as I do? Or does the thought of my lingering hurt your pride?

Whatever it is you're thinking of, I hope you think me worthy of being included.