Someone who understands you enough to wound you but not enough to appreciate your qualities and come alongside you isn't any kind of friend. Thanks for teaching me that. Thanks for also teaching me that in spite of my weaknesses, I've got a pretty strong heart. Thanks for teaching me that life isn't fair, but the right people will see and value your true intentions. Thanks for teaching me how much of life is truly fake and superficial and how people really will believe anything if it suits their agenda or bias. Thanks for teaching me how I had far too much faith in the superficial for wanting to be happy, but that loving someone and seeing and believing the best and highest truth about their soul doesn't mean they will see yours. Thanks for teaching me how misplaced trust can make it very hard to trust another who truly sees the best in you, and that isn't fair on them.

Thank you.

and all of a sudden the world becomes cold

It’ll come back to you soon

I didn't think this would hurt so much but it's destroying me. Normally, I don’t mind if someone dislikes or even hates me, other than general remorse in relation to something I did wrong. But if I can’t make amends, or once I do, I let it go. To know that you despise me is unbearable. It’s tearing me apart. I have people that know me and love me. But you came the closest to understanding me. I wish I could discern if your hatred of me came from something I did, something I can fix so that someone in the future can understand and love me, or if seeing me for who I really am caused the repulsion. The lack of explanation made me feel completely worthless. I cannot heal from this. I’ve tried everything. I give up on you and myself.

You're stressing me.

I have a friend and i love her so much but now I feel like she's not my friend anymore. She's getting away from me, but I really love her, like I think I would not be able to live w/o her. I'm too scare to start this topic and ask her if she really don't want to be my friend anymore or im just otherthinking it. I hate not knowing what she feels but I feel like knowing wouldn't make situation any better for me...

B, (friend not crush)

I miss you. I've accepted that for whatever reason you don't want me in your life, but the way you did it hurt me. I really thought our friendship was rock solid. I would have been there for you through thick and thin and it hurts that you couldn't open up to me about whatever it was, even if it was something to do with me, I really wish you could have told me what the issue was before ghosting and blocking me when we hadn't had a fight and your last message to me and response was nothing but positive. Reports from others confirm that you are doing fine so I will trust that you are and that you don't need me. You were a really good friend to me and I wanted to support you the same way but I appreciate that you didn't easily open up to others about things you were struggling with. I miss being able to text you random things and you just getting it. I don't have that with anyone else. I thought our connection was really special and perhaps that was naive. I guess I would just like to know why so I can understand why you cut me off and respect your decision to move on. The worst thing would be if you had believed gossip from others rather than coming to me first, I always thought we had a high level of trust and mutual respect. If you do try to reconnect with me it won't be easy because time has passed and you did really hurt me, but I still hope to see you again.

what should i think when my ex is dating someone whom they told me they would never date (for a reason), and their partner doing the same stuff w them as we did when we was in a relationship (its not a common thing so i know this is from me)

is it weird or am i just jealous ??

This can only be a friendship until I know for sure I can tolerate your less than desirable traits and vice versa.