To many of us on LTC

Days go by, weeks then months, and just like that years .... we don't or can't let our person know of how we truly feel.

We all have valid reasons to stay quiet. But don't let fear, lack of confidence or any assumptions be the reason.

With 2024 starting, be bold. Do something new, explore more, give people chances. Don't overthink. And if you can, let your person know how you feel. They may not feel the same in return and that's okay. Atleast you did your part and now you have a healthier way of moving forward.

It's pointless to carry all this burden into the new year.

May you all have a beautiful year ahead. ♡

May 2024 be filled with love and happiness. ♡

Happy 2024 ♡

You is smart.

You is kind.

You is important.

(And ravishingly sexy)

you are my first love, i saw you thoroughly and truly fell in love with every part. although i keep you at a distance, i will never forget the impact you’ve had in my life. thank you for existing.

everytime we look at each other, we smile and say hi. i wonder if you like me or just being nice. i wish i could tell how much i like you except i can't

When I think of you I always end up picturing a future where the two of us are together. We could have kids, maybe not. We could be thriving in the city or somewhere abroad. We could be living our wildest dreams or struggling to get by, either way, it's always me and you.

I wonder if you have the same thoughts if I live in your mind like you do in mine. I try to stop thinking of you, but I can't. I look forward to seeing you every day and dread the moment we part. I could spend the whole day with you doing nothing in particular and my heart would be beating non-stop.

Tragically for me, I don't think you will ever see me that way. Even if you did, the fates would be against our union. I know if you had to choose, I would not be the one you'd pick. Despite knowing that this is only a fantasy, I'll still think of this perfect dream.

i love you my golden pearl,


a fool who can't stop thinking about you.

you had me trying out new things I never had before just to catch your attention.

and maybe it didn't work out, but I guess you helped me find my love for a new passion. so I still won.

Very few things are guaranteed in life, one being that morning will come regardless and second being that just as morning comes, so does the memory of you.

I still like you, I'm just done chasing you.

I've never heard any music more enchanting than the hearty sound of your laugh. And I could never imagine any work of art more splendid than the bewitching skyward slant of your lips, and the niche way they curve upward.

If every simple letter I wrote to you would take your breath away, I would write it all.

I truly believe there is nothing humans could ever feel or create that is more earth-shattering than pure, reciprocal romantic love